terça-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2010

All amps review

quinta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2010

New soundclips

With a little available time, I've tested the HD trying some small challenges:

1) The JCM800 Model - Comparing with the X3's amps, this was the only one that gave me a bad first impression. Anyway, I've changed the cab to the Green25, tweaked a little bit and had this nice result. I start with the amp and than turn the screammer.

1) DSP, dual amps and heavy verbs - The DSP limit in the unit is a important issue. In fact, it's more like an tough challenge. Well, I've picked two AC30's (mic 57 on axis and 421), a great stereo delay and the octo reverb. Oh, It also gave room to add a screammer. At the sample's end a play with the built in looper.

1) Pitch Glide - A great, "Giga" nice surprise. A lot better than X3's, and it's real polyphonic. So, in this sample, I try to drop the tunning one step. Great Result. Of course you can hear some small noises, but very close (perhaps better) than what you hear in that config with the GT


Amp tests

terça-feira, 23 de novembro de 2010

The "Pre" issue

This is a important issue to me. Testing the HD I thought I had a bad unit. Some amps were incredible low volume sounding, so what was happening?

Although L6 presets the unit with 16 amps, it has a variation for each amp, called "Pre". In that case, the poweramp section was not modeled, so you could plug it in your preferred real poweramp.

So, don't worry with low volumes to the "pre" amps. If running directly, just pick a "standard" amp e be happy!

sábado, 20 de novembro de 2010

Finally got my HD500!!!

It's a saturday but the mail man came and gave the good news! As long I unpacked The HD, I've plugged it into my sound console. Tried any preset, turned off all the unwanted effects and voilá: Great sound out of the box!

I've learned quickly that the 16 preamps are available in two versions: Plain and pre. The second one has very noticeable volume differences and until I realize that I thought my unit had a problem. Definitely not! Picked the "plain" and that's was ok!

As I've got my good old friend X3 Live around, I decided to try some tests. The sample list is right below. First you hear the X3, than, the HD.

sexta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2010

terça-feira, 12 de outubro de 2010

Finally a sm57 clip

I've listened almost every HD's recording shared in the net. Besides that, most of the best ones where recorded with condenser mic sims. That's an issue to me.

I do prefer sm57 mic for all aplications. It's trebly, crisp and present response are unreachable. Anyway, a unknown (to me) friend named Andrew made the magic. Finally I could hear how sm57 sim is at the HD. And I gotta tell you, it's outstanding!

segunda-feira, 11 de outubro de 2010

Pod HD and DT50 amp: The perfect wedding!

For a long time L6 has been asked about pod's real amp integration. For example, I actually own a X3L and a Ga60 guitar resistor amp from stagg. I've tested all possible pod's output and amp's input combinations. The usual amp input with studio direct config at X3 was the best choice for me.

Anyway, just imagine the possibility of a real tube amp reconfigurating itself according to your tweaks at the POD HD. Now that's real! Unbelievable, but true!

In my honest opinion, that's the definitive choice for professionals. No more complains about the lack of "pressure" of digital rigs. You can digitally configure how the real deal will be.

Of course, there are some limitations. The real tubes at DT50 doesn't transform themselves at the real world. Anyway, the integrated DSP works to mimic that changes.

Well, I'll let you guys with a great DT50's description video below. And think: If "the journey has just began", try to imagine a JTV integrated to that rig?

Line 6's official videos

GT10, X3 or HD?

I've been asked about this question a lot lately.

Of course HD runs in front of the others because it's a newer release. Besides that, a 10x more powerful processor responds on it's more realistic dynamics, getting even closer than ever to a real tube amp.

Another good reason to choose the new POD is all the functionality and controllability available there. Oh yes, don't forget the renowned M-series effects.

So, to make things as clear as they can be, the new Pod HD gives you better sounding and dynamics than the X3, more controllability than a GT... What else could you ask for? Price? Ok! It costs the same as a new X3.

Well done, L6!

1ª Postagem

Pessoal, aqui inauguro este novo blog.

Após anos gastando horas, madrugadas à fora, para compreender um pouco do funcionamento de pedaleiras digitais.

Iniciei com o , que até hoje me rende contatos com guitarristas Brasil afora, interessados em tirar um melhor timbre da GT.

Em seguida, com a aquisição da POD X3, ampliei a análise, com o .

Por agora, em que me organizo para um upgrade de equipo, monto o presente blog, visando explorar cada detalhe da série POD HD.

Abraço a todos!

OBS.: O blog será em inglês, mas habilitei-o para dar a opção de tradução assim que o leitor acessá-lo.