sábado, 20 de novembro de 2010

Finally got my HD500!!!

It's a saturday but the mail man came and gave the good news! As long I unpacked The HD, I've plugged it into my sound console. Tried any preset, turned off all the unwanted effects and voilá: Great sound out of the box!

I've learned quickly that the 16 preamps are available in two versions: Plain and pre. The second one has very noticeable volume differences and until I realize that I thought my unit had a problem. Definitely not! Picked the "plain" and that's was ok!

As I've got my good old friend X3 Live around, I decided to try some tests. The sample list is right below. First you hear the X3, than, the HD.

Um comentário:

  1. Really think that some of the sounds of the X3 are better than the ones of the HD. I sold my X3 and got an HD500 as well and I figured you gotta play a little bit more with the mics and cabs to get a better overall sound, that sits better within the mix.
